Character and Citizenship Education (CCE)
Character and Citizenship Education in Fengshan involves teaching pupils our school values, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Integrity, Compassion and Equality(PR²ICE), NE values, SEL competencies and lifeskills to equip them to face challenges of today and the future. The Character Education programme in Fengshan, aptly named as the Character-Focused Programme(CFP) is designed using a good story approach whereby lessons include powerful true stories of National and International heroes and people who have demonstrated PR²ICE values. This approach is also in alignment to the school vision of nurturing leadership in the pupils. Through the true stories of people who have made an impact on the society in different areas, the school wishes to reinforce leadership qualities and leadership is not about just a formal appointment. The CFP incorporates the teaching of NE values as well by highlighting key National Political figures, their contributions in making Singapore safe, economically and politically stable. The pupils also pen their reflections on the school values and NE values learnt through the lessons.
Values and competencies are taught explicitly during CFP lessons with the following learning pupil outcomes for Character Development in mind:
Developing a healthy body, mind and spirit
Being good and giving citizens(C2015- Concerned Citizens & Active Contributors)
Having global awareness
These outcomes are aligned to MOE’s desired outcomes of education as shown in the diagram 1 below.

Diagram 1: 21st Century Competencies and Desired Student Outcomes
The school adopts “Discipline with dignity” approach for Pupil Management. The emphasis is on teaching the value of respect and responsibility as pupils are taught to “lead themselves and others” as PERSONAL and PEER leaders.
CCE Platforms in Fengshan Primary:
Character Focused Programme
Leadership Development Programme
Values-In-Education Programme
National Education Programme
Pupil well-being Programmes
Growing Years Series & Education Career Guidance
Co-Curricular Activities (CCAs)
Outdoor Camps (P4 & CCAs)
CCE Programme In MT
Social Studies Curriculum
Internationalization Programme
Form Teacher Guidance Programme
International Programme
Motivational & Study Skills Programmes
Lifeskills Programmes