Education Career Fair
The school carries out the Education Career Portal for the P6 pupils as post-PSLE programme. Through ECG portal, called, the P6 pupils explore the ECG Portal and find out more about educational pathways for the various careers:
- Creation of Avatar
- Self Exploration Games
- Occupation Explorer Game
- Visiting the Industry Landscape
- Discovering various occupations
- Finding their favourite schools
- Exploring schools
- Exploring the Singapore Education landscape
Pupils also attend the Open House for Secondary schools and attend talks held in Fengshan by Secondary school representatives. Through these sessions, pupils learn more about secondary school life and clarify their doubts too by asking questions at the end of the sessions.
For the past few years, an Education Career Talk was organised for P6 pupils after the PSLE exam to introduce them to the various careers out there and set their minds thinking about achieving their dreams and ambitions for the future. During the session, the pupils mingled with special speakers from specially invited industries partners. The following are some of our past partners in education : Barclays Bank, Balloon Blaster, Singapore Prison, Youth Flying Club, Singapore Civil Defence, Police Force, Singapore Zoological Garden etc.